c/o Faith UCC
1340 Burnet Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
Welcome to the Bridge of Faith Foundation
Douglas Taylor
26 Willow Drive
Belvidere, NJ 07823

Felix Molokwu
32 Tremont Street
Irvington, NJ 07111
Contacting us from Nigeria, please contact Felix.
African Crafts & Recycled Item Sales
Craft Sales
Sun., April 29 - Wild Earth Fest, Trailside Nature Center, Mountainside, NJ
Sat., May 19 - Verona Green Fair, Verona, NJ
Sun., May 20 - EarthFest Overpeck, Leonia, NJ
Fri., & Sat., June 1-2 - PSEC Annual Meeting,
West Chester University, PA
Fri., & Sat., June 8-9 - CAC Annual Meeting,
Baltimore, MD
Sat., June 16 - Mercer County Diversity Festival,
West Windsor, NJ
Thurs. - Sat., July 19-21, Eastern Reg. Youth Event,
California, PA
African Craft and recycled fair trade and fairly traded items sales.

Above is our booth at the UCC's General Synod.

The money raised through sales of African and recycled Crafts is use for our Bridge of Faith project in Awka, Nigeria.
Other Ways to Assist
Want to Sponsor a Sale?
For information about sponsoring a sale or any item on My Wish List please Contact Us @.
Help Sell African Crafts at churches and community events.
Schedule a Presentation - Help schedule a presentation on the project followed by an African Craft Sale.
Computer Help - Help maintain a donor database, prepare a newsletter and other publicity.
Donations of books, children’s clothing, school supplies, and other items.
Donations of money to help us with our shipping costs.
We are also collecting sewing machines for a Girl's Secondary School in Awka, Nigeria.