c/o Faith UCC
1340 Burnet Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
Welcome to the Bridge of Faith Foundation
Douglas Taylor
26 Willow Drive
Belvidere, NJ 07823

Felix Molokwu
32 Tremont Street
Irvington, NJ 07111
Contacting us from Nigeria, please contact Felix.
December 24 - Felix Molukwu our President has arrived in Awka for our annual on-site review.
November 20 -24 Our Awka Secondary Schools Football Tournament will take place at the Federal Science and Secondary school Campus.
October 15 - Our Advanced Math Classes have begun. These are for the recommended students of the Secondary Schools in Awka.
August 13 - Another 14 boxes are delivered to our storage area to be readied for one more shipment for our delivery in Awka in December.
August 8 - Pallets were delivered to the Port for shipment to Nigeria. Plans are to have them delivered around given to various organizations in the Awka, Nigeria area in December.
August 5 - 20 boxes of books, school supplies, the bags from the UCC General Synod, clothing and clothing chests for the orphanages, boxes of Bibles and text books, a high chair, a child's wheelchair, boxes of games, toys, stuffed animals and puzzles, pre-school equipment and a sewing machine. These are being added to what is already in our storage area to be packaged and sent to Port Elizabeth for delivery.
July 5, 2017: We received 5 large boxes of carry bags, which are good for book bags at the schools for needy students, and lunch bags.
une 28, 2017: Leaving for the United Church of Christ General Synod at the Baltimore Convention Center. Will be selling "Fair Trade" African items to raise money for the project.
June 26, 2017: Another 37 boxes, 3 sewing machines, & 4 bicycles are being sent to our shipping area to be combined with what"s there to be readied to send to Nigeria.
January 4, 2017: Bridge of Faith Report from Nigeria Mission Trip
On their recent trip to Awka, Nigeria, the Bridge of Faith team of Felix Molokwu, Marge Royle and Doug Taylor visited four orphanages, providing them with food and books. At one orphanage, which was new to them, they found children living in very poor conditions, with little food or furniture. They returned from the local market with food, mattresses and other supplies which
will make a significant difference in the quality of the children's lives. In addition, small chairs, donated by the Hasbrouck Heights Community Church, and clothing donated by Faith UCC in Union, will be delivered shortly.
On New Year's Day, they met with the Governor of Anambra State and his wife, who have a special interest in and projects with orphanages, and hope to collaborate on efforts with them in the future.
The delegation also brought medical equipment to the University Hospital in Awka. They met with sports directors, coaches, and principals from several secondary schools to discuss the annual Football (soccer) Tournament as well as their needs. They sorted cartons of books and school supplies to be distributed to area primary and secondary schools and libraries. They were treated to a
presentation by the winning debate team in a contest among local schools.
The trip included opportunities to meet with other local officials and attend various New Year events. The warm welcome and hospitality of all the people they met will remain with them. Having seen the effect of their work on the lives of people in Nigeria, they returned reinvigorated to do even more.
On December 12 & 25, members of our mission team will be leaving for Awka. We plan to visit and deliver all our goodies to our mission partners.
November 8, 2016: Our last shipment has arrived in Lagos. It will be shipped to Awka shortly.
September 15, 2016: Our donations of sewing machines for the Girl's Secondary School in Awka has now reached 9. Dalu for all who have made donations!
September 8, 2016: We wish to thank Asylum Hill Congregational Church (UCC), Hartford, CT. for their donation of 6 boxes of Children Bibles.
August 29, 2016: Our next trip from the US to visit Awka is now set up. We will be leaving Christmas night and returning January 3.
June 17, 2016: Our last shipment has now arrived in Awka. We do have another shipment going to the port soon.