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c/o Faith UCC
1340 Burnet Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
Welcome to the Bridge of Faith Foundation
Douglas Taylor
26 Willow Drive
Belvidere, NJ 07823

Felix Molokwu
32 Tremont Street
Irvington, NJ 07111
Contacting us from Nigeria, please contact Felix.
Photo Album

Left - Medical equipment in USA.
Right - Delivery @ University
Hospital, Awka, Nigeria 12/16

A football with a USB port that charges when used!
First international visitors to the Biafran Disabled War Veterans Compound.

Awka Schools Debate Champions!

Awka athletic supervisor, assistant supervisor, & some of their football coaches.

School officials checking out some of the books!

Science & Technical College Library
Some of the children's Bibles donation from Asylum Hill Congregational Church, Hartford, Ct. The $50 monopoly money was given by the Pastor's young son to help get the books to Nigerian and the children there,
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